Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm Glad My Mother is Dead

This isn't as insensitive as it may sound. My mother was a die hard Cubs fan, and with the possibility of them sweeping the series over the Brewers, I would be getting the persistent reminder of how many games the Cubs have taken. She also would have called me after every inning giving me an "update", even she would have known damn well I was watching the game too.


  1. My mom was a big sports fan. It may sound strange, but that is one of the times I notice her absence the most...after a particularly memorable sporting event, she would call to see it I saw it. Remember that classic Boise State-Oklahoma Fiesta Bowl? I sat there and looked at the phone afterward knowing that it would be ringing if she were still alive.

  2. I think logjam is pulling our leg. We would all take whatever ribbing they doled out to see our parents again. The trouble is you don't appreciate them fully until you don't have that opportunity anymore.

  3. I also forgot to mention she was a die hard Bears fan too.
    If my mom saw my blog, she would be the one laughing the hardest.

  4. hale-bopp, that was very touching. There is a short story there.

    logjam has my kind of sense of humor, and sounds like his mom did, too.

    When we moved to Chicago in 1980, we ended up less than a mile from Wrigley Field. Didn''t go there, though, until years later when we were living in a different neighborhood. All I remember is getting drunk as a skunk. I don't even remember who they played.

    I still don't follow sports much, but I've kinda followed the series with the Cubs, even watching a few innings on TV. Ouch.

  5. Now I know how Scrooge felt. When I got up last night to go to the can, the bathroom doorknob morphed into a likeness of Carlos Zambrano. And all through the night I could hear a female voice coming out of the closet repeating over and over, "How 'bout those Cubbys doing the sweep..."
