Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Modest Proposal to Reduce Crime in Racine

Simple: change the definition of Racine. "Racine" will now be known as that area bounded by the Main Street bridge on the north, 8th Street on the south, City Hall on the west, and the lakefront on the east. In other words, "Racine" will now encompass only that area known as "downtown" previously. This area is beautiful, upscale, and relatively crime-free. And it is obviously what the mayor is referring to whenever he mentions "Racine."

Everything outside of this area will now be known as "Racineville," a troubled area with high crime, high unemployment, and low hopes. Unfortunately, the City of Racine cannot do much to help it's stepsister city, Racineville. Residents of Racineville are on their own when it comes to police protection and other city services. If only the residents of Racineville would embrace the arts and put on airs like the people of Racine proper, then they might see some relief from the urban decay that engulfs them. Too bad, Racineville, but you're not pretentious enough to live safely. You just work for a living and try to raise your children to the best of your ability. Hah! Take a shower and visit Racine sometime to see how the other half lives.


  1. Instead of Racineville (too klunky), the name should be "Raytown". Of course, the new Racine would need to build a tunnel from the intersection of highways 20 & 31 to the new border. This way, the visiting artists won't have to transverse the "bad" Raytown to get to the "good" Racine.

  2. Yeah, "Raytown" is better.

    Another suggestion: if the Journal Times would stop reporting all the crime, it would probably go away.

    Maybe I'll run for mayor myself: "OrbsCorbs, of course!"

  3. I must be delusional... I don't walk around in fear, even though I live in Raytown.

    The system we have tolerates the crime. That is the problem. Look the other way or slap them on the wrist and send them back on their way.

    There is really no deterrent to breaking the laws and the criminals know it. Oops, you shoot someone? Just go hide in Chicago or Mexico for awhile until the heat backs off.

  4. Nice.

    This reminds me of Alderman DeHahn's proposal to deal with the crime issu on Jacato drive by renaming the street.

    And the fair peope of Racine saw fit to re-elect him...

  5. Orbs, wasn't that the reason the JT stopped reporting crimes a few years I recall, someone said it gave the 'wrong impression' of the city. Oh yeah.

  6. I think Raytown should secede from Racine and elect a real mayor; hell I’ll even run just for grins!
