Thursday, July 3, 2008


They put it off a day so they could torture me with tests. I go in about a half hour. Jeez but yesterday sucked. Glad when thiis one is done


  1. Good luck, Huck. I will pray (even if you don't believe) for your speedy and complete recovery.

  2. We're pulling for ya man! Hang tough.

  3. Count backwards from 100...when you reach 0, you will be blogging again!

    Good luck...see you again soon.

  4. Hang in there buddy. Were all pulling and praying for you!

  5. I'm concerned about huck. If anyone hears anything, please keep us updated!

  6. He should be in the ICU today... if anyone's feeling brave/clever and handles rejection well, you can go there and ask to see Huck (and give your best description). They probably won't let you see him, but you never know... bring some candy (the equivalent of "greasing a palm" in nurse-land), it might help open the door a bit.
    I dunno anyone over there anymore so I can't be sneaky, boo.
    He should be on the cardiac unit by tomorrow if all goes well...

  7. Cyndi, if you want to go once he is in the cardiac ward, I'll go with you. I know how tough it was physically on my mom the two times she went through it. I don't want to make him uncomfortable meeting and chatting with new people in ICU.

  8. It's very sweet of you two ladies to want to go and visit Huck in the hospital. Hopefully, he will be up for company and happy to see you!

  9. I'm in Chicago all weekend and am on vacation all week ( from the hospital, ( no work woo hoo!), so no visit for me...hopefully he'll be back home and blogging before I'm back in town.
    ps Cirque du soleil is amazing!! Get well Huck so you can see it in Milwaukee next fall:-)
