Tuesday, August 5, 2008

DK's First Pick: JT Irregulars

jti.pngIt's been only a few days since we ran across a relatively new blogger style website called JT IRREGULARS. It was only founded in June of this year and you wouldn't believe the quality of content they have amassed as well as their large following of contributors and visitors. We have established a relationship with JTIRREGULARS in order to network in this seemingly endless blog world in order to bring at least our little corners of the world a little closer.

Their banner states "What is happening in Racine, Wisconsin and around the world Make new friends, share thoughts and ideas, learn something new or just leisurely browse and share a laugh."

They invite all to join their group, and contribute to the posting of pretty much anything and everything. I've read news and politics, a post about the the nuisance of mosquitoes, and complaining about all sorts of things. From straight up serious talk, to all fun and games (even one blogger complaining about their kid's use of toilet paper), this blog is doing it all in short order. (just 2 months!?) JT Irregular regulars have amassed 253 postings with what appears to be about 25 regular contributors.

From their very first blog, is the statement, "All aspects of this site are up for discussion, including the name, template, etc., and especially whether it continues to exist. No private messaging here. Your account, though, allows you to create your own blog separate from this one if you wish, and it will link to your posts here. Your account also works for commenting at the Racine Post. Only 100 "authors" are allowed to create blogs per site. Do we screen people?

Who has the say so? Let's hear ideas. Current settings allow anyone to read and post comments, even anonymously."

From what I can gather from the website, the bloggers here appear to have been cast off, or jumped ship from another, bigger blog. (am I right on this one?) And, whats really unique is that the admin (administrator) calls HERSELF the "Sheriff". How cool is that?

Anyways, my words cannot do this awesome site justice, so check it out for yourself.


Lisa Loring (Editor) & John Nordquist (Publisher)
The Daily Kenoshan

Article viewable at http://dailykenoshan.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=6370&Itemid=1


  1. Oh mercy, with all this fancy talk I need to buy stock in these two sites.

  2. Cast offs? Somehow cast-a-ways brings a much more romantic image to mind
    : )

    Just to clarify, one person is not the sheriff. It is a collaborative effort. For having (and tolerating) so many "wingers," we have been running things pretty darn democratic here. A majority admin vote actually took place to ok your request for the article.

    Speaking of wingers, where the heck has he been hiding? If you read this, come on out and play, we miss you.

    Thanks for your vote of "cool," Lisa. Your article, and that you chose us as your first pick, is as dogaddicts said, "awesome."

  3. A safe haven is how I look at it.

    That is how our forum got started.
    I belonged to a huge dog forum. Nice, friendly. ( a few spammers and trolls) but mostly we 'knew' the owner of the site. We all had one thing in common. One day.. it got sold to a BIG company. Everyone was freaking out.. (picture people running around frantic) What would happen.. the new admin was not very nice.
    My husband set up a forum for me to have the people have a place to meet.
    I think we got the best of the group here.

  4. hahaha Very interesting. Back in the day, before we became a "professional" news site and still used our pseudo-names/monikers...well, mine was GIRLDOG.

    Glad you liked the article, and I want to assure everyone here I am not here to "crash your party". I just like the blog, the flow, etc It deserves recognition IMHO. And,if you can handle having a Kenoshan hanging around, I'd be glad to check in more often! I ALWAYS have something to say, lol


  5. Thanks Lisa for all the nice things you said.

    I think we were misplaced at our old site. We gathered there and were not what they (their admins/mods) were looking for. We were not content to play their "reindeer" games and felt the need to speak out against that game playing.

    This is home now. I rarely even peek in on the old site. I'm so glad to be here. I (mostly) feel comfortable and appreciated now that I've taken the vow of irregularity.

  6. Welcome Lisa, and thanks for highlighting us, how cool!!

  7. And they have a police scanner link!


    It's not fair that I have to be so busy with other things while this is happening. I haven't even clicked on the Paris Hilton vid yet.

    Thank you Lisa and the Daily Kenoshan for your efforts on our behalf. We're just a group of castaways on this desert isle. The Sheriff is the Skipper. Hale-Bopp is the Professor. KK is the Movie Star. Lizardmom is Mary Ann. SER is Gilligan. I don't know if we have a Millionaire, but if we do, I'll gladly be his wife.

    There once was smooth sailing and calm seas at another Port, but Captain O'Bligh took over there, so were were forced to abandon ship.

    We REALLY appreciate the accolades. This is a labor of love - the amount of labor and the amount of love varying each day.

  8. Lisa, I hate to bring this up, but I know another word that means "girl dog".

  9. What we are trying to say, and not doing a very good job of it, is.... Welcome Lisa! If you feel comfortable here, you must be irregular. Jump in anytime.

    We accept any irregulars, regardless of where they live, we even let people from Florida and as far away as Sweden hang around. It just makes the picnicking a little harder to plan.

    Orbs, I'm the MOVIE STAR??? You little flatterer! :> Btw, don't miss that Paris Hilton video, you could use a laugh. I'm pretty sure you'll get it.

  10. Who new that a few people who got fed up and went out on their own could maje such a splash in Lake Blogosphere. Congtrats to all of us and welcome to the DK!

  11. Welcome Lisa! KK is right; you have to be irregular to post here, and this is the place were you can let it all out!
    What I like about this group is that they are the same kind of people, like your neighbors, that you would lean over the backyard fence, or be sitting at a bar with a beer in hand discussing serious issues that effect the community, or just spreading the BS.
    But the notoriety lately of people taking us seriously might mean we would have to get serious and that scares me.

  12. Wow! Nice write up.

    Orbs, most of us are not trying to get off the island!

  13. Welcome Lisa,to an irregular group of bloggers. These people are the best!

  14. I KNEW SER was a cutie, he has to be Gilligan for sure!!
    I'm quite flattered to be Mary Ann :)

  15. fyi We plan to try to get the Racine County Police & Fire Scanner up and running tonight...I'll keep you informed.

  16. No way! They have to make the broadcast available, right? I'd give up mom's subscription to the Journal Times to link to the RPD scanner here.

    Sheriff, I saw Winger on the Journal Times' site recently, but maybe that was a relapse. I think he joined Bloggers Anonymnous.

    Lizardmom, every guy had a secret crush on Mary Ann. ;)

  17. ooo, I feel so special :) I loved the comparison to us as Gilligans crew!!
    I'm not looking to ever leave the island!

  18. I was able to login to the scanner last night. It came up in Real Player.

    I let it run for quite awhile. I didn't hear anything though. Is Keno that safe that there aren't any calls, or wasn't it working for me?

    Has anyone had any success with it? I didn't see any way to choose Racine calls either.

  19. I'm hearing Kenosha stuff tonight. Not sure what happened last night. It would be very cool to hear the Racine scans...Orbs, have you given it a spin yet?
