Friday, August 15, 2008

New Super

Just got an email from an inside source at RUSD. Dr Shaw is hired. Terms to be announced.


  1. Yep, got the automated phone call from Tony B. last night with the information.

    We can only hope this is a good move for Racine. It is easy to think "Wow, how much are they really paying him?" That is a done deal though and it seems like (according to what is said) that this is the going rate, geeze.

    He will be earning his money if he is good. RUSD and all of its shenanigans won't be easy to fix, if that is even possible.

    Racine Post has a story with more details here:
    Unified hires Dr. James Shaw as superintendent

  2. I sincerely hope this is the start of better times for RUSD.

    I was looking over the compensation package, too. "Geeze" is right. Not to pick on what Dr. Shaw will make, but I think that the bigshot muckety-mucks of our society are completely out of touch with the average Joe. $850 a month car allowance? I know people who live on less than that a month.

  3. He's got a tough job ahead of him. Perhaps he can free up some parking spaces on Northwestern Ave, if you know what I mean.
