Tuesday, September 2, 2008

More Amazing Shuttle Pics

Just another set after Ser's wonderful post a few days ago. This is from the Boston Globe's Big Picture series and highlights preparations for the Hubble repair mission scheduled to lift off in October (not going to put a date down yet as it is going to change with these storms taking pot shots at Florida). Here is one of my favorites for a sample.

I have been up the service tower of a Delta II rocket at the Cape , but never on launch pad 39 or in the VAB, two things I am jonesin to do!


  1. Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing.

    The shuttle itself is huge and one never thinks of the size of the equipment to handle it. It is truly amazing. I would love to see a lift off.

    The awesome power it develops gives me goose bumps or as a friend says, “chicken skin”.

  2. Amazing photos!! Thanks for sharing. I was awestuck by the sheer size and the technology that goes with it.
