Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Power of Blogging

The Racine Post has an interesting story entitled The power of Dooley, about the brouhaha in RUSD over the appearance of some of Sen. Barack Obama's writings in a textbook. I haven't followed this too closely because I am FED UP with the inane nitpicking by crazed campaigners on both sides of the election. In the Post piece, Dustin Block points out that a complaining parent has not been identified, nor has a formal complaint been made, but Unified is now reviewing its textbook policies - all because Mr. Fred Dooley's Real Debate Wisconsin blog posted an anonymous complaint.

Go bloggers! Go web 2.0! I hereby challenge JT Irregulars bloggers to come up with an equally explosive tidbit, fact, or fiction to rattle Racine's cage with. One of us must know something that will put the Journal Times and/or city officials in a tizzy. I can't believe that anyone would be better at raising a stink than we are. So, come on JTIs, spill your guts and the beans. Irregular minds want to know.


  1. "I can't believe that anyone would be better at raising a stink than we are." Okay, since you insist......
    Last year, I went down to city hall to pay my property taxes. After which, I went to the john to have a sitdown. Looking down to the floor, I saw a black pair of shoes topped by what looked like suite pants in the next stall. Shortly after that, I heard a rip snorter that really did raise a stink at city hall. Does that count?

  2. I can provide some advice Orbs....

  3. The downtown sidewalks discriminate against women. I have seen many a woman struggle when their high heels stick in the deep cracks. I call on the Mayor to conduct a review of sidewalks immediately.

  4. To think that Mr. Dooley is offering advice to me on raising a stink. Oh, the ignominy!

    Hey, I saw an alderman picking his nose once. Does that count?

  5. I know enough to get me fired. I'm not talking.... can you say "mum?"

  6. I know for a fact that back in 1912 two teachers at Racine High School were having an affair....even have photos of them on the Root River.

    (My that is hot).

  7. I heard that there are thespians actively teaching our children in Racine schools and recruiting them into the thespian lifestyle!

  8. Also, pedagogues and pedants. Right there, mingling with the children!

  9. I once had a case of pedagoguery, but it was cured using fast acting Tinactin.

  10. You boys are too much. I sometimes have to consult the online dictionaries to keep up "wit cha!"
