Monday, October 20, 2008

Some Weird Guitars

Although,I admire the sound and beauty of Gibson's Les Pauls and the Fender Stratocastors,I find myself going "wow" at the creativity and the design of some the guitars out there. Can anybody guess some of these guitars to whom they belong to? (I can) The one I want to get my hands on is Jimmy Page's doubleneck.


  1. Some very cool guitars. Thanks for sharing with us. I like the fru-fru girlie furry ones, also the guy with the "bigger is always better" one. :)

  2. KK,those fuzzy guitars? They were used by Billy Gibbons and Dusty Hill of ZZ-Top.Remember theLegs Video?

  3. Ha ha drew... I never would have guessed. I was thinking something along the lines of The Go Go's.

  4. Ultracool video, drew. I even liked the song, "Souvenir," by the Autoramas. I wish my guitar-loving buddy in Milwaukee had broadband.

    Check out pictures of Les Paul's "The Log" solidbody guitar and other photos here:

  5. The Log-an interesting guitar indeed. That guitar was "first" solid body electric ever made. Les Paul also invented multitrack recording.
