Friday, October 17, 2008

Stay Alive With "Stayin' Alive"

A study from the University of Illinois College of Medicine has shown that the song "Stayin' Alive" helps people perform CPR correctly. It is recommended that you give 100 chest compressions per minute when doing CPR, very close to the 103 beats per minute of "Stayin' Alive". There are other songs that have close to 100 beats per minute, but few probably known as universally in the U.S. as "Stayin' Alive."

And everyone should know CPR. So everyone go out, put on your platform shoes and get to the local Red Cross or American Heart Association class and get certified so you an save a life.

Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.


  1. Good thing it wasn't to the tune of YMCA....poor guy would croak when the EMTs stopped CPR to form the letters with their arms in the chorus!

  2. If I have to perform CPR to a Bee Gees' song, I'm sorry, but you're dying.

  3. I don't know hale, you might just have a death wish if someone is singing the Bee Gees during your cardiac arrest. That's not how I want to go.

  4. Don't ever revive me with a Bee Gees tune! Try Stairway To Heaven-at least I'll die with a smile.
