Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Another Lawsuit Against City Hall?

The Racine Post reports today: "The same attorney who filed sexual harassment charges against City Administrator Ben Hughes is now threatening to file a discrimination claim on behalf of Racine Public Health Administrator Janelle Grammer."


Attorney Nola Cross, who filed charges in July against Hughes on behalf of Sandra Tingle, Mayor Gary Becker’s ex-administrative assistant, sent a letter to the city on November 13th alleging that Grammer has been discriminated against on the job.

Is this a case of a litigious attorney looking to stir up trouble, make some money and a name for herself, or is there something hinky with the Becker administration?


  1. Attorney Nola Cross already has a name and reputation, so my guess is on the Becker administration.

  2. So we're supposed to choose believing the Lawyers or the Politicians? Ha! You make big joke.

  3. "Attorney Nola Cross already has a name and reputation"

    Indeed. it is for bringing bullshit discrimination and harassment cases.

  4. My guess is that the City will "settle" vs go to trial and we will be out a few 100K.
    Maybe Racine should bring in a law school seams the only ones with a job anymore are lawyers.
