Friday, November 28, 2008

Football in 3D!

3D television is the next big revolution and December 4th, the NFL is going to broadcast the Chargers-Raiders game in 3D. Unfortunately, it is the Chargers-Raiders game which means you probably won't be too disappointed to learn that it is only being broadcast to theaters in New York City, Boston, and Los Angeles (and only big muckety mucks are invited).

In answer to your question, yes, you still have to wear the silly glasses!


  1. I think the NFL is going way overboard in promoting the game. They have games played in Mexico,Canada,Japan,and recently in London. What next? Packers playing in Moscow? I'd like to see more of traditional way of things.

  2. Those glasses work only half the time and they give me a headache. I think if you wore them for 24 hrs., you'd go blind.

  3. The way the Packers played last week, who'd wanna even watch it with their eyes open?
