Saturday, November 22, 2008

A JTI Candidate

What can I say, The few, the proud, the insane...


  1. Wonder if I should get one for my cats. They like to go on my kitchen counter. I don't want them on my counters. My Nerf Gun isn't working...

  2. That was too, did he use it on his dog after that? I wonder....

  3. Drew, whatever you use has to make a loud noise. Maybe a cap they make those anymore?

  4. he may be just a little too irregular for us, we'll think about this candidate, shall the voting begin?

  5. Drew, try a squirt gun. Once you go to sleep, though, the cats go wherever they want to.

    They should invent lie detector collars for politicians that zap them when they lie. Some elected representatives would be walking around with permanently fried heads.

  6. Oh, Orbs, I liked that....about the collars for the politicians...but I think I also ready somewhere to use vinegar in the squirt bottle/gun. Harmless, but the cat doesn't like the smell.

    I remember my Mother getting a mouse trap and trying that with a dog. Didn't work. Dog figured out how to set off the was supposed to be the noise. Dog didn't care.

    The animals are just smarter than we are, get used to it.
