Tuesday, November 25, 2008

JTI Forum?

I was messing around and created a JT Irregulars forum on a free hosting site: http://jtirregulars.21.forumer.com/index.php. It is a phpBB forum and it's currently set to require registration to post, but anybody can read. As I understand it, ads will soon start popping up on the site to "finance" it. Anyway, I wouldn't suggest using your primary email address to register. I have no idea if anyone will be interested in anything like this, so you can poke around and try it out if you want. If you have any suggestions for subforums, or anything else, please don't be shy. Anything can be created. Moderators can be appointed for subforums. This type of board has private messaging.

I put a link to it in the Features section on the sidebar so that it can be easily accessed. We'll see if it catches on.


  1. Does that mean this blog will be no longer?

    I think the forum is a good idea. Been doing it for a while. It's a better way to get the name out.

  2. Orbs,
    You keep messing around and you're going to end up with a disease. But seriously folks.......
    How will that effect this site?

  3. I did not mean it as a replacement for this blog. JT Irregulars will continue here as is.

    I was reading the Daily Kenoshan site the other day and noticed that they have a forum which has grown. Of oourse, they are a news site, which generates stories for comment. I was thinking maybe people in Racine would enjoy a similar forum, for, um, venting their spleen. Topics can be posted and discussed/argued about endlessly, the most popular ones always rising to the top of the heap. Forums are perfect for those never-ending battles between liberals and conservatives, right vs. left, religious vs. atheist, etc.

    Commenting in the Thanksgiving blog here also got me to thinking about the Journal Times and our relationship to them. I think maybe people have an idea that we (the JTI) are a closed group who consider ourselves special in some way, or define ourselves soley in relation to the Journal Times. I see a forum as a less polite place to dispel those myths. Anyone can register and swing away, just like they do when commenting on news stories at the Journal Times.

    In any case, it's just an experiment. The JTI Chat page has not proven to be very popular, and this may not, either. I remain committed to jtirregulars.ocm. (And "committed" is the right word.) You'd have to pry me away with force from this place. Certain sonofabitches in this community have NO idea of what it means to care about your hometown, and other polesmokers think that having power entitles them to do whatever they want. They continue to prattle on even as the sands shift and sink beneath their feet. I will be here to watch them flounder as their lies consume them. And then I'll post some spam.

  4. So much for orbs' Rant-O the day... :D I appreciate his willingness to keep us current and experimenting with different mediums.

    I gave it a whirl... I don't know whether it is for me or not; it always takes me some time to get used to anything new.

  5. I more or less cut my internet teeth on phpBB forums. I think that has a lot to do with my confrontational posting style. I even engaged in forum wars, where one forum invades another one. (Suggestion: do not attack DigitalGangster.com - they are hackers [haxorz] and shut down the last forum I led on the warpath. lol!)

  6. I said it takes me time to get used to things, not that I refuse. I can usually get talked into new stuff.. ;> Did I say that?

  7. Again, I am committed to this site and format, unless there's some irregular revolution and everyone wants to change. I consider this blogging format more "elegant," suited to thoughtful discussion and remarks. Forums strike me as more scrappy. I could post three or four rants a day here (don't even get me started about the non-enforcement of traffic laws in this burg, the New York model of policing, the lack of common sense and common courtesy in daily life, the ongoing dumbing down of society, blah, blah, blah...), but I don't think that would be in the best interest of the JTI. On a forum, I can spew. Anyone who wants to, can spew back. Or not.

  8. I find the categories to be a bit stifling. But overall, I like the fact that you can see the more recent posts at a glance. Used as an addition to this more formal playground, it is fun. Definitely more down and dirty. Told you I can be talked into things... hahahahaha
