Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mayor Becker to have Cancer Surgery

Best wishes to the mayor for a full and speedy recovery.

Better have them double-check your liver while they're in there - you only have one of those.


  1. Cancer is serious business no matter how cavalier he is about this. He is extremely lucky they found this early. Even though we have been hard on him, I only wish him the best.

  2. Yeah, I don't wish illness or personal problems on anybody. It's no fun bashing Becker if he's sick. :P

    Have you read the comments on the Journal Times site? Geez. And they say we're the blsck sheep of Racine's blogging community.

  3. Whomever says we are the black sheep must be kidding themselves...

    Thanks for the link orbs... That is, thanks for the reminder why I am happily at home here. I don't go "there" too often anymore. My stomach just can't handle that hatred and spew.

  4. You guys are right...I could not believe what the bloggers were saying.

    Hopefully, he will have no more problems...but he will have to hang up the cigarettes. Just a fact of life...kidney and bladder cancer and cigarettes seem to go together.

  5. I didn't get a chance read it.They must have pulled it.I'm not surprised. I can only imagine what what was posted. So much hatred out there.

    I may not agree with Becker's views,but I wish him a speedy recovery.

  6. Oh wow, they did pull it. I even worried a little on my crack about the liver, but, you know, I gotta keep up appearances, rebel without a pause and all that.

    Beejay, I didn't know tobacco was associated with kidney and bladder cancer. I smoked for about 30 years. More stuff to worry about.

  7. Yeah, unfortunately, I know more about this crap than I want to. But if you are going to bother battling the disease, you might as well do what you need to do health-wise. He is now down to one kidney...I would think he would want to do everything he could to make sure that one stays healthy. Dialysis is not nice...oh, just don't get me started.

  8. Oh and just to clarify, I am not anti-smoking...I do not smoke, but knowingly do expose myself to second hand smoke. I am not getting on any soapbox, just stating facts...don't beat me up too badly.
