Monday, November 17, 2008

My Cat Got a Word in the Dictionary

Yep, she did. My old cat, who I got in November of 1996, has an unusually large vocabulary. In addition to the traditional "meow" and purring, she could say a lot of other expressions including "rah", "nah" and, the winner, "meh".

Now it turns out that Harper Collins in including "meh" in the dictioary! It is defined as "as an expression of indifference or boredom, or an adjective meaning mediocre or boring" which my cat agrees with totally. Since the article states that it gained popularity in 2001 after being used on the Simpsons, my cat's usage of the word clearly pre-dates that by several years.

You can even buy shirts and sweathers with meh on them.

For future editions of the dictionary, "rah" is an expression of extreme annoyance and "nah" means "don't pet me there!"

Her name is, of course, Hale-Bopp.

Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicsit Blog.


  1. I've seen "meh" used online in forums quite a bit.

    My cat says "geowk" a lot. I think it means "Feed me, stupid."

  2. Orbs, I think it means buy Fancy Feast, el cheap-o. I've heard meh used a lot too.

  3. As I was reading KK's comment, my cat came up and licked me on the arm. Then he bit me.

  4. My son says that word often. Now I know where he gets it from.

  5. I thinks its is short for your cat telling you: "I didnt do it, nobody saw me do it, you cant prove a thing!"
