Monday, November 17, 2008

Pirates Capture Saudi Supertanker

"DUBAI -- The U.S. Navy said Monday that pirates commandeered a Saudi-owned supertanker hundreds of miles off the Kenyan coast, an attack officials said was unprecedented for its distance from shore and the size of its target."

Arrr, shiver me timbers, the price of gasoline just went up a few doubloons.

I was saying to my sister yesterday that the only good thing to come out of the economic meltdown is the drop in gas prices. Now, along with everything else, we have to worry about pirates hijacking oil? Where's Captain Jack Sparrow when we need him?


  1. I could use a visit from Captain Jack.. oh la la....

  2. I was dragging my husband around to Christmas Stores Saturday and the lowest price we saw was $1.70. Today at the 7-11 it was back up to $2.00 but 1 mile away it was holding at $1.72. I have a half a tank so I'm thinking tomorrow I will have to fill up. No telling what will happen tomorrow.
