Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Today Must Have Been "National Idiots Day"

In a earlier post we saw a woman in Oregon pee away 400 grand on a Nigerian e-mail scam. Later today a postal worker in Milwaukee was arrested for delivering more than mail.



  1. Whats in today's mail; bills, junk advertising, credit card offer, crack...

  2. You would think there would be more charges since she was using a Federal vehicle to deliver the goods.

  3. That's why I get all my crack delivered by UPS. Brown knows drugs.

    We used to have a mail carrier who would mash all the mail into the box. Sometimes it looked like he smashed it up into a ball before he put it into the box. I went to the Post Office to complain. I told the clerk about it and she asked if I wanted to talk to the carrier's supervisor. I said, "Will it do any good?" She replied, "Probably not." At least she was honest.

  4. My mailman is Newman, I never get mail when it rains...

    I don't even want to talk about the idiots I ran into today. OMFG! Insane!

  5. Orbs-your mailman is my mailman now. I haven't received a flat piece of mail,yet.
