Wednesday, December 10, 2008

For Cyndi

For Cyndi, my in-kind deadhead sister (you and I most likely passed each other at AV in the 80's and at the reunion in 2003): Fire on the Mountain, Radio City, 10/31/80. My 2nd favorite Fire after Dick Picks 18, disk three. Have you ever checked out the GD archive? Tons of uploaded taped shows, some you can even download, all free and legal and stuff.


  1. Stu,I've got a ton of Grateful Dead albums,live recordings,and bootlegs including this one from Alpine Valley 1989.

  2. Tunes like Deal,Let the Good Times Roll,and China Cat Sunflower are excellent on this recording.

  3. You're sweet:-) Sorry I didn't post earlier, but have been having a really craptacular week!
    I need to revisit the Alpine show from 1989 as I believe it was my first, wheeeeeee! I (vaguely) remember camping in a huge tent really close to the entrance to the show. I'm pretty sure I had no clue who the tent belonged to, but all sorts of people were "living" in it... I also remember the torrential rains, with well timed lightening strikes during the show; being covered in mud from head to toe and trying to push random cars out of the mud just for fun. Not long after that, I hitchhiked across country to attend the Rainbow Gathering in Nevada (or was the Gathering before? I think maybe it was... and then seeing people from the Gathering at the show. Damn fuzzy memory!) and then trading in my VW beetle for a VW van and heading eastward.
    I'm looking forward to more adventures when the kids are grown, but find going to concerts less fun (as a nurse now, I see people behaving in ways that make me nervous, like I'll have to save their stupid asses at some point later in the day-- like the losers who parked next to us at the reunion show who arrived completely whacked out of their minds with their completly hyper 4 year old. Turns out they LOST THE KID later at the show (can you imagine????). Another group of winners threw a baby in a carseat out into the dark parking lot and drove off, leaving the hysterical mother to find her own ride back to Oregon. Yikes!) We got the hell out of there and thanked God for being a fully fledged grownups and members of the working class, lol!
    We have a great area in the back of our property that would be the perfect spot to construct a little stage and have our own "show", with plenty of space for camping (and a large tipi, too). Maybe an Irregular concert and slumber party? I'll make the vegetarian burritos! (Just no nudity, please;-)We have a small convent behind our house and they're the most sane neighbors we have).

  4. An Irregular concert? Great idea,Cyndi. Wonder if we can get Cosmic Railroad to play.
