Thursday, December 11, 2008

Magazine Ads from the 30's thru the 60"s

I'm sure the medical profession agrees with most of these today....ya right!


  1. What a hoot! The last one is still pertinent today - for either sex.

  2. An ad great ad not posted is the one for U.S. Keds. You know, the shoes that were guarenteed to make you run faster and jump higher.....

  3. And BTW, if I ever was gonna have a fag, it wouldn't be either of those guys.

  4. Holy crap. The idea of douching with LYSOL makes my vagina hurt. What idiot man thought of that?

  5. OMFG! I just read the Lysol ad. If you need that, you have serious problems!

  6. I think the Lysol ad should have been placed right after the last one... just in case the tire didn't hold air.

  7. People were a lot more gullible back then...

  8. Lysol??? Just thinking about it is giving me a "not so fresh" feeling, ewwwwwwww!
    I remember doing post STD counseling with a newly divorced 50-something year old Romeo who tested positive for 3 nasty strains of crotchety crud. He seemed truly shocked and then regaled me with the tale of his "romantic" all nighter with some barmaid he picked up at the local shot and a beer joint. After I couldn't listen for one second longer, I told him as delicately as I could that he had to assume that any woman who was "looking for love" with a virtual (butt ug-a-lee) stranger was likely going home with *anyone*, and was dripping with germs, and that it wasn't the 70's dating scene anymore-- he had to use a condom, for God's sake! I finally had to kick the guy out of my exam room after he kept insisting that he would have had to use a whole box, seeing as he was such the stud, etc and etc, ick and ick! I could have definately used some Lysol after the guy left, maybe splashed a little on myself for good measure.
