Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Where does women's money go....


  1. That was certainly enlightening, SER. But where is the other shoe???

  2. I wanted to see some coins come out of a kids' mouth.

  3. that kind of creeps me out. Now I am afraid of coins and shoes.

  4. Beejay,

    I think the other is a Penny Loafer....

  5. That was so visually cool! Who thinks up this stuff?? Thanks.

  6. A few years back, I set up my digital camera on a tripod and shot a series of photos of one of my cat's toys as I inched it along the kitchen table. I then used a gif animation program to bring the photos to "life." It was pretty awkward and crude. And for the life of me, I can't find it now.

  7. Wait a minute,SER, I want a matched pair of shoes..one heel(fancy heel at that) and the other a )(snicker) penny loafer...oh pleeeeze.

  8. Yeah, orbs? As a kid I did that with my dad's 8mm film camera and Lego cars and ships. I even went back after the film was developed and added "special effects". A small scatch on the film with a pin simulates a laser (kind of).

  9. Thats about right if I could my moola would all go to shoes.........Hale I'm still waiting for some pay back from kids too.......me thinks its not likely!!!!!Thank Ser and Happy new year all.........
