Saturday, January 31, 2009

Does the Irregular Football League have a Super Bowl?

I'd more or less forgotten about the IFL, as my team, the Orbsliterators, was eliminated from contention early on. (I have filed a complaint with league officials concerning uneven officiating and other shenanigans that I suspect sabotaged my team - most notably kk cheating, but I haven't figured out how yet.) After hearing some of the hoopla surrounding this weekend's Super Bowl, I went to the IFL page to check it out:
So, is SER and his Potato Heads the winner of our 1st Irregular Football League Super Bowl, or do they still have a game to play? I think it's over, so I'm going to say CONGRATULATIONS to SER and everyone who participated.

If I'm wrong, well, I don't know nothing about sports anyways.....


  1. Geeze, you've been doing nothing but whining lately. Go eat some cheese! Girls rule, orbs drools....

  2. I was pissing and moaning on the Journal Times site all week. I finally realized that it was poisoning me, so I swore it off yesterday. Then, BO'B posted on their site today and I couldn't let it go unanswered:

    But I swear, that's IT! No more! I know that I've been bitching about the economy too much, too, but the blog below entitled "New Stock Market Terms" was meant as humor, not another rant.

    It's amazing how negative things turned once I started posting on their site again. It's contagious, like a disease.

    Anyway, next season the Orbsliterators will cream you! I'm drafting some guys from the Russian mafia.

  3. Orbs, I read your post to BOB. You are 100% correct. Thanks for your well put together thoughts. I'm so glad you said it. Now... stay away. I'm glad you see it; it can poison you.

    I've read some of your posts and the comments from idiotic people in response and have been worried about you. There has been monumental things in the news that would push anyone over the edge.

    I hope you know my first post here was all in jest.

  4. I know you were kidding, but it's true. I have a very negative/pessimistic outlook anyway, and spending time posting on a site like that just drags me down further. Lies just drive me crazy. To me, lies are much worse than a physical assault. Only cowards lie, and I HATE cowards. Even family members remarked on my attitude shift after I got involved with the JTI. Thank you guys for making my life better.

  5. No problem,Orbs,that's what friends are for:) The JTI is a happy place. I don't know what I do without this site.

    And to answer your question-SER is the IFL champion. The season ended around Christmas.I hope Stu can get us hooked up for next season. I'm drafting Superman,The Hulk,Flash,and Batman.

  6. At the 20th IFL Super Bowl, they'll be talking about the good old days with Coach Spud.

  7. Oh Hell NO Orbs, I damn near fell out of my chair laugh'in..

  8. By then the trophy would be called the Golden Potato.
