Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hale Bopp is slacking off.

It's very hard to believe he hasn't come across this very geeky website. I think he has but is keeping it from us. Geeks are hot too ya know.


  1. LOL huck, Oh MY! I guess some men might need incentive to be brainiacs?

    The best think I found on the page was a quote at the bottom by the sexiest geek of them all (:

    "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." - Albert Einstein 1879-1955

  2. Well, kk, if you are looking for the hot, smart guys, the are the Skepdude calendars in addition to the popular Skepchick calendars.

    And I share...I blogged Danica McKellar's new book a while ago!

  3. I was all interested... then clicked the link. Why no sneak peeks? Makes me wonder what perception a true geek has about "hot".... White tape on their glasses? ;>

  4. I don't get it. Is she supposed to be sexy, a parody, both, or neither?
