Saturday, January 31, 2009

Happy Anniversary (to Me)

Today marks my first full year of blogging. It seems a lot longer though. I'm having a great time blogging-learned many things,had a few laughs, and made some great friends along the way. I know most of you have been blogging a lot longer than I have, so I'm the newbie here. So, my questions are-when did you start blogging? What was your first post? Any memories?


  1. I'm pretty new to it too. I remember my first kiss, but not my first blog. if that tells you anything. I started blogging at the JT site. I think it was the summer before last? I never would have guessed that it would have evolved into this much fun.

    I've been involved with computers and making webpages for quite some time though. My primary webpage, associated with my work, has been online for almost 8 years now.

  2. Congratulations, drew! What a great idea for a blog.

    For me, it depends on what you call "blogging." I didn't really run into that term until I started posting on the old Journal Times [spit] site. I really can't remember how long ago that was, but it can't be that long. I don't remember my first post. I tangled with TBV early on and she got my respect right away.

    I first started posting on a forum almost 6 years ago. That led to posting on its sister forum, where I've been for over 5 years. Things are much more "wide open" there, which may explain some of my brusqueness online here and elsewhere.

  3. Tue 6/3/2008 9:48 AM

    That is as close as I can come...

  4. I started in late 2006 or early 2007, I think. It was the year my husband became so ill. I remember how hesitant I was about posting anything.

    Then I thought, what the hell...I'll never meet these people. Was I ever wrong about that.

  5. I remember being very negitive and like Beejay I thought what the hell I'll never know any of these poeple!....I started way back even before the JT(spit)had upgraded there site. Any one remember that? We where all ragging because they changed the whole thing and we all had to figure our a new system.How long ago was that?

  6. I stand corrected, the real date is: Member Since: July 31, 2007

    I joined JTI Tue 6/3/2008 9:48 AM

    I feel so much better now...

  7. early summer 2007, didn't attempt an identity there until July, just posted on news articles under different names based on my mood, and yes Abby, I remember the switch to the new format and everybody up in arms over it :)
    I'm so much happier here tho, I don't go back, other than to check news highlights and obits - never the blogs, too mucky

  8. I remember watching you guys play about a week before I joined. Said to myself this looks fun-so I dove right in. My first blog was this.
