Sunday, January 11, 2009

I am upset

I did the ultimate and posted a comment on the Journal Times in the blogging area. My father died of pancreatic cancer, as did my husband's father and my cousin. All way too young.

This Italian Chick comes on and says that the onocologists and cancer clinics don't release the information that there is a cure for cancer. But they don't want it released because it would mean the end of their clinics and jobs. What the fat dog? Anyway, now I am all bent out of shape.

I know some cancers have had advances made. I do know that dead people are not financially beneficial to any doctor or clinic. Am I in a fantasy world?
By the way, my father would be 100 if he were still alive, so forget the artificial additives! Now why did I even reply to her post??? Am I nuts...oh wait, don't answer that one!


  1. boy it only took me about four times to get it right...geesh...guess she upset me more than I thought.

  2. I try not to go there. I find things so appalling that I feel I must comment. I have shown restraint, as I know that really (??) they don't want intelligent conversation. What they promote is controversy; intelligent conversation prompts the writer to be banned. That site is dying. They need webpage hits.

    I've heard that cancer theory spewed before, beejay... Usually by those who are selling a book or some herbal cure. Ignore, ignore, ignore...

  3. Beejay, she's one I will not reply to. She seems to be a know-it-all instigator.
    I'm sorry she got you so upset.

  4. I guess I get hit so hard because of my family members and now a friend all dying of the same thing.

    I will take deep breaths! And then a bottle or two of wine! (No ice!)

  5. Lets hope she's not a lurker here....

    Wine is good. :) Just don't drink and post. LOL

  6. if ever that happens again Beejay, just click your heels together and repeat 'there's no place like home, there's no place like home...' then it will all be ok again :)

  7. I feel so much better, I just took the real age quiz at facebook and I am 12 years younger than my actual age. Notice that no numbers were given here!

    Liz, don't you dare!

  8. I believe they are making strides to over come cancer, but I do not believe they are working hard enough on it and the reason is, there is WAY to much money involved.

    Just think of the size of the cancer centers there are. If cancer was cured...Lots of people out of work and billions of dollars stop moving to the medical profession.

  9. And just think of the billions that would disappear in lawsuits if it were ever found out that a cancer clinic was hiding a cure. One thing is for sure, secrets like that could never be kept.

  10. I do know that the contributions I make are earmarked for 'research.' And, yes, I make contributions to both the American Cancer and American Heart and in both instances, I ask for research.

    So much has been done in this area in the last 35 plus years, but there are some cancers than they may never find a cure for and, again, some where the patient just ignores warning signs.

    A woman I had grown up with and had been best friends with for over 45 years ignored the signs. I even gave her $500 to have a physical done...her husband used the money for a glass etcher (what the fiddle faddle is that about). Anyway, I held her hand and talked to her the entire last day of her life. And I was mad at her for not doing what I asked by getting checked out. Oh and the husband, he died four months before she was diagnosed.

    Cancer is something I feel passionate about finding a cure for. And, no, I don't think it is any more or less important than kidney disease, diabetes, heart disease or any other insidious disease. It is just one that seems to have taken too many of my loved ones and friends.

    But in reality, I think it would be silly of the drug companies not to market a drug that would keep people alive (money maker) and the same with the doctors.

  11. Over the years I have heard of many people trying alternative therapies for cancer, some even leaving the country to get treatment, but I have not heard of any being cured. Steve McQueen went to Mexico, I believe, for some alternative. So did Andy Kaufman.

    Cancer is one of those very scary things that has plagued mankind from the beginning and I think it generates a lot of fear and misinformation. My mother still believes adamantly that cancer exposed to "the air" during surgery will metastasize and kill the patient.

    I think that if a magic bullet cure for cancer is ever discovered, the people involved will be tripping over themselves trying to market the stuff on their way to becoming multi-billionaires.

  12. Hey Beejay, you have every reason to feel upset, I would feel (and do) feel the same way. I lost my dad to cancer too. It's an evil disease and I believe there are dedicated researchers looking for cures.

  13. LJ LMAO......I'll pay the postage really how much to maila snake?.Beejay.please don't take that dumb dumb italian chick........She cracks me up (as I am the real Italian) because I know her whole family and they're all a joke with the real dago's(joke)as their known now.That girl you're talking about is only about 20 and knows nothing of life and is also ignorant of the fact that her whole family is a joke......the old Masquito inn owned by her uncle...........he's a big joke too............let her talk to me face to face and family to family............they got nothin on us........Ka peesh......I just put up my dukes!!!!!!!!

  14. Oooh, I like the snake thing LJ!

    Thank you for your usual support. She just got to me...I know I have read her irrational comments on other blogs, but this one was so off the wall and it hit home with me.

  15. I personally dont take anything she says to be accurate. She says something about her going to medical school but havent really seen any proof that she has any real medical knowledge.

    I really dont like to speak poorly of people especially when they are not around to defend themselves, I just dont think she really knows what is going on. She is a kid (coming from a slightly older one..) At 20 years old you always think you know everything and have the world figured out. It isnt till much later that you find you dont know jack.

    As you said they dont make money off of a dead person so why would they cover up a "cure". Cancer is a tricky sucker and would highly doubt that there would be one answer that would take care of all types of cancer. It's just ridiculous.

  16. Why Not? Still no action??? I was hoping to hear that you were delivering your little one!

  17. BeeJay, Sorry you were so upset by something said on the JT site.

    I have seen Italian Chick's comments before ... I don't think she the brightest bulb on the tree.

    I think Orbs is 100% on the money. If anyone had the cure for cancer, they would fall over themselves getting that to market to make themselves rich and famous.

    I agree ... send her a snake. ;)

  18. I have to admit BeeJay I never did do the sit ups or squat thrusts that you suggested.. couldnt figure out how to do them with this belly..

    In the mean time I keep cleaning.. for hours a day.. I got upset today cause I washed the floors once again and the water actually got dirty.. my goodness the hormones are getting to me. pure craziness going on in our household. My husband just keeps shaking his head at me as I'm constantly cleaning.

  19. Okay, so maybe my exercise routine was a little much for a 9+ month pregnant woman.....

    I'll keep thinking about a new routine. Now that should scare that baby right out of you!

    Again, thanks everyone for your comments. I feel much better. And if this half done cookie ever becomes a doctor, we need to find out where she practices so we can avoid it like the plague!

  20. Remember, those who comment most loudly on issues of science, tech and medicine are usually the least qualified and don't know what they are talking about!

  21. Facts and reason only get in the way.

    Does watching the Science Channel make you a scientist?
