Monday, January 12, 2009

Just for Laughs

Oh, I loved Johnny Carson! Enjoy...this is from good ole Mary!


  1. that was great! I thought for sure he was going to lose it in the middle, the side of his grin just quivered, it was great

  2. I loved Johnny. I don't think we appreciated him enough when he was on every night. While I do still enjoy Letterman and Conan, Johnny was and always will be the greatest. Thanks for the blast from the past.

  3. That's hilarious! I pretty much stopped watch the late night talk shows when he retired.

  4. I don't anyone else could hold a straight face on that one! That one "cracked" me up!

  5. I loved Johnny Carson, too.

    I don't watch any of the talk shows anymore either, but a few years ago, I was watching Letterman fairly regularly. Falling asleep to him, mostly.
