Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Looking Down For a Change...

I was just perusing the Boston Globe's Big Picture and found the Earth Observed one from a few weeks ago.
At first glance you might think hurricane. But there is no water...this is a huge dust storm over China! There are images of hurricanes, craters, fields, glaciers and many other spectacular images of Earth in this collection.


  1. Yes. I get lost in the pictures. So many images, such a big internet, so little time.

  2. Kinda looks like kahlua and cream mixing in a blender.

  3. Logjam, your interpretation is nicer than mine. My first impression was that someone mopped a muddy floor and dumped the pail of water into the commode for a flush. :o

  4. Very nics Hale. I especially liked #19 and #23.

  5. Sorry I meant nice pics. My typing sucks.

  6. Cool!
    I bet it's a melamine storm, not dust....... ;)
