Monday, January 5, 2009

My Shrink says Racine is in "Massive Denial"

Just got back from my three month/3,000 mile check up. Of course, I'm still crazy. In yammering with my psychiatrist, though, he made some statements about Racine that I found interesting. While I was whining about my problems, he said, "And it doesn't help having to deal with all of that in a city like Racine." I said something along the lines of while I know that many people bash Racine, I don't think it's such a bad town. "Not bad," he said, "but the people are in massive denial about their feelings. Everyone is passive-aggressive. In Chicago, I have to lead aggression suppression groups because people there are in touch with their feelings and angry; in Racine, you can't even get people to talk about their feelings. I know another small town in Michigan like this one - everyone is repressed."

He also said that the economic meltdown is providing the average person with a "historic" look at how "completely corrupt" our government and business leaders have become, and he expects there will be psychological ramifications from that as people try to reconcile the lies they have been told and believe with the reality of the situation.

I thought he was supposed to make me feel better. :(


  1. Yes, we've been meaning to mention your outstanding balance of $1,637,982.93 for therapy in 2008. Please wire said amount to the JT Irregular fund.

  2. Gee... so full of insight! Hostility in Chicago, corrupt government, passive/agressive responses. Did he also inform you that Santa doesn't exist?

    AA, his outstanding therapy bill was much less one year ago before we had to bump it due to barrel oil increases, the debt from the Iraq war and those darn ballooning interest rates which forced us (regrettably, of course)to raise the rates. blah, blah, blah....

  3. He also blamed it on Racine's Danish ancestry, but I didn't want to go there because logjam is Danish, I think, and I didn't want to insult anyone else. He said Danish people "hold it all in."

    Of course, you're reading my version of his words, so the impression you get is probably skewed. He's very learned, with advanced degrees in comparative literature and German studies as well as a medical degree.

    AA, I believe a bailout is in the works for shrinks and therapists, so just hang on a little while longer. Why should I pay my bills when no one else does?

  4. Beejay is also Danish... Orbs. Sounds like the shrink needs a shrink. How dare he! Bet his teeth are phony too....well, of all the nerve....

  5. Watch it orbs! I'm 1/2 Danish too. From looking at my relatives, it is a good thing we 'hold it all in' since most of my relatives are really 'full of it.'

  6. I have danish heritage and live in Sweden.. I would have to admit that the Scandinavians are really good at holding it in.. although i thought the Danes were a little better at letting their feelings be known.. As for the Swedes though they are some of the most passive aggressive people I've met. not trying to speak poorly of them, just an observation I made very early on and haven't really been proven otherwise yet.

  7. Well, a million just isn't what it used to be anyway, Orbs.

  8. Orbs, he didn't do the 'no Santa' crap did he? He is wrong...we all know there is a Santa. Oh, kk, you have me concerned now....

  9. geez, and I thought I was in a serious winter slump and funk, yikes!
    I'm counting on Saturday to get my head screwed back on straight!

  10. The problem is that people who bash and let it all out then do nothing to get involved to make things better. Venting is pretty useless without action. I tend to vent less and act more...even if its just writing letters to reps and officials with my opinion (I probably annoy the s*$% out of their staff!)

  11. yeh, all those advanced degrees and he's still full of shit...

    ur wasting ur money...

  12. Orbs, I have a can talk to me...I am Danish and thus a good cook and a good listener! Just the way it is with us Danes! Oh and we are GREAT, by the way.

  13. Take me to this shrink of yours Orbs (he's probably a gd Norwegian). I'll shove the pumpernickle and bluecheese so far up a selected orifice of his and we will see if he holds it in! Lucky for him he never met my grandmother!

  14. Obviously, no one here has any difficulty expressing their feelings. We're a healthy group, in touch with our inner selves. In fact, I've seen some of you touch yourselves quite often.

    I go to a shrink to get the antidepressant. I've known him for a long time and he accepts what my coverage pays. It's a med check and very brief. If you want talk or group therapy, at least at my income level, you usually see a counselor or therapist. There's a whole rat's nest of those. There's probably still some shrinks who will talk (or listen to you talk) for the 50 minute hour if you can afford the $500 or whatever they charge.

    Beejay, your couch and home cooked food? Your swimming pool and hot tub? What the hell am I popping pills up here for?

  15. Oh great orbs.... I knew I shouldn't have let you help me hook up my new webcam! Anyone else fall for that one? ;)
