Thursday, January 8, 2009

One for the Non-Smokers



  1. be down under??? A good day is the day you are this side of the sod???

    I remember the first smokers' lounge they had at The Travelers. Looked like a glass cage...I had quit long before then, but I did feel sorry for those folks...sort of like monkeys in a zoo. Then, again, maybe we were the monkeys for watching them...oh who knows!

  2. In fairness, they should paint some people on the walls smoking cigarettes and flipping off the ones above.

  3. Oh, Orbs, that's a great idea....

  4. Why doesn't that bother me? The only time I get upset (and this includes snide remarks, doctors advice, my fathers advice,) is when I have to go outside when it is cold and rainy/snowy. I can go for hours without but sooner or later I light up. It's my choice and I know the consequences. Also when someone (weight 400#) tells me it will kill me. If she weren't my boss I would love to tell her about eating.

  5. In this day and age, anon, you know what you are doing to your health and so does that hefty boss of yours. You don't need me or anyone else to beat you over the head with it. If and when you quit, it has to be your decision. If and when she decides to lose the weight, is up to her.

    All of us non-smokers are not alike nor are we all that judgmental. I would prefer you not smoke around me or be considerate of it, but I will not leave an establishment because someone is smoking.

    I live in Florida (like there might be one person who doesn't know that!). Anyway, our state does not permit smoking indoors in restaurants or other establishments unless it is a TRUE bar. Most of the places down here have tiki bars (outside) and smoking is definitely permitted there.

    I have a choice, as do you, to either sit inside with all the duds or go outside where the music is and have some fun. I'll let you guess where you find me. ;)

  6. I was recently in Minneapolis. I need to use a bathroom so I stopped at a bar...imagine that. I ordered a beer and went to light a cigarette...wrong move, the bartenders where on me like flies on a watermelon!

    Unbeknown to me, it is illegal to smoke in any public place in Minnesota! Crazy part is, in the bar I was at, they can sell you cigarettes but you cannot smoke them and it is illegal for them to give you matches, the bar is be find. In addition, if you go outside to burn one up, you have to be more then 25 feet from the entrance or you will get a ticket...if a cop is around.

  7. I heard that they were getting really tough on it in Minnesota.

    The hospitals here in Port Charlotte no longer permit smoking anywhere on their property, including in your car in the parking lot. I didn't know they could do that, but I guess they are.

    You know when I took the famous road trip with my two great nieces (trip from hell) last summer, the only place where you could smoke in a restaurant was WISCONSIN. All others were totally smoke-free. And the Summit doesn't permit it in their dining room any longer either. I think it is coming whether you like it or not.

    We have one bar down here that is called 'Sports Bar and Girl.' NO FOOD, so the patrons can smoke in there. The county was all over them to make sure it wasn't a strip club. I haven't been there, but I hear there is not so much as as burger to be had in there...just booze.
