Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Racine News

Has anyone else registered at I did, but haven't gotten my email giving me a password! How are you supposed to post if they never send you a password?
Seems like a good site. They had the school closing before anyone else did.


  1. Thanks! I thought they didn't want me..

    Looks nice, do you know how new they are? I think I've seen the site before, but it looks improved.


  3. The schools are closed tomorrow Abby.

  4. I rec'd a password...but haven't tried it yet. Check you junk mail/spam folder.

  5. I just went in and my password works....are you sure you don't have an e-mail from WordPress or Wordpress??? That's the sender name that appeared with the Racine News showing in parenthesis.

  6. And Racine News shows in the subject area, not in the sender area. Am I clear .... oh who knows.

  7. I found out about them in the blog about the mayor on the Journal Times site. I don't know anything about them. They're linked in the Local News section on the sidebar now. I've registered as OrbsCorbs, but I dunno if they'll let me in.

    Unfortunately, whenever I think of "Racine News," I think of that porno store that used to be downtown.

  8. Well, that didn't take long. I'm in. They have a dashboard. Ooo, new gadgets to play with...

    Uploaded my avatar, but it says, "Your profile photo has been submitted for review." That seems odd from a site that also says, "Feel free to blog about this we don’t censor comments!" Afraid of someone posting porn, maybe?

  9. heehee.. I remember that place! I lived downtown in the late 70's.

    I still haven't been accepted.

  10. I'm glad that I wasnt the only one that thought of the porno shop downtown when they say Racine News..

  11. Orbs, I lived upstairs next to Army Surplus.

    I know I am listed as a member, but I never got a password so I can't log in.

  12. I just joined the Racine News and it was less than a minute. The password is WIERD tho. I didn't know if one of the figures was a capital O or a zero 0. Had to try twice...but in the end problem. BTW I am Sassa

  13. Drew and DA, send an email to: Maybe they can straighten it out.

    They've posted an explanantion of who they are and what they're doing: I like it.

  14. DA, yes, you were across the street and down (up?) the block. Did you ever go to Main Place, that restaurant/bar/lifestyle experiment on 3rd and Main (old Hotel Nelson)? We hung out there and at George's/Mickey's on 6th/7th (you could enter from either street, and each entrance had a different name on the overhead sign), which eventually became the infamous Cera's Tequila Bar. Too bad. It had been a wonderful neighborhood bar, with dartball leagues in the basement.

  15. I reregistered under drew zepmeister. Got in. Still waiting approval of my Zeppelin avatar.

  16. I posted on the email story. No answer yet, but I guess they are busy with bigger things.

    DID you see the JT is threatening them? ! !

  17. oh Abbey.. the schools are closed Friday too.

  18. Thanks for the comments guys, and the support! DogAddicts, I sent you a new password welcome to the club! Yea the JT is trying to bully us around, I don't mind, copyright is hard to prove, some of our content was up before them! I think the JT copied some stuff from us!


  19. Joe, thanks for the welcome, but I still haven't received an email from you with a password.

    Any suggestions?

  20. DogAddicts,

    I think your e-mail address is wrong, please send an email to and i will ask the sites admin to look into it.


  21. Thanks for the quick reply!

    Will send an email now.

    I also sent another email to you right after this.

  22. Orbs, sorry I didn't get back to you on your last post!

    Yes, used to go to Main Place and George's. Mostly hung out on High St. and Paradise North back in those days though.

  23. ok.. so I got in.. Joe sent me a password to another email addy I have. Don't know why my main one is not getting the messages.

    So. he sent a generic password last night. I got in, logged in to my profile to change my password, and it didn't work. Went back to the generic one, and I got in.

    Tried again just now, both passwords were incorrect! WTH?? Is there some secret way of getting in there? *getting very frustrated!*

  24. I do kinda like that little scribble wall they have though!
