Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Spring is almost here!

We can tell winter is almost over here, 'cause we can see the deer out wandering around ......


  1. That's a lot of snow. Reminds me of a trip to Glacier National Park. It was at Logan's Pass on the Continental Divide,at least 12 feet of snow. The most I've ever seen. I was going to blog about this,but for the life of me,I can't find the pictures I took.

    Here's a link to give you an idea to how much snow the place gets.

  2. oh they're so cute, peering over the snow :)

  3. Are you sure those aren't miget deer?

  4. I'd rather be the one in the back!

  5. They look so yummy! Where I grew up people would make a joke about the meat in the freezer.

  6. Someone in Canada posted this picture on my forum last week .. crazy to have that much snow!

  7. SER, I sent that to my cousin...knew he would appreciate it. He always tells me he is taking his wife out for dinner and, therefore, has to shovel off the picnic table on the deck. Such a gentleman!

    And the other day when he called, he said the plunger was stuck on the roof...what???? It is so cold there (UP of MI) that he has to plunge the smoke out of the chimney. Oh yeah.
