Monday, January 26, 2009

Today is too quiet, let's toot some horns!

OK, yes, I admit it, I'm tired and too many ideas are coming to me.
This could be good, we'll see :)

We all have our 'regular' places we go, for food,
services, shopping, etc.

What smaller, especially newer places have you found?
With the economy what it is, if you have
checked out a new place, any place,
let's share and try to encourage them a bit!


  1. I'll start :)
    Friday the hubby and I went to the new San Fransisco Grille. (the old ground round, hy 20)
    I really liked it. He wasn't wowed but he's super finicky, so his vote doesn't count fully :)
    I had the ribs, and I'm quite partial to my own but being the only one who likes them here, I don't get them often.

    They were incredible!
    The chicken rice soup was awesome, everything was very nice. The decor was alot nicer and alot brighter than the last people there.

    I actually met the owners before they opened, I saw cars and went to check it out :) It's run by a handful of older men, they were so cool!

    I would definitely go there again, if you get the chance, try them out!!YUM! The next thing I will try there is the seafood bisque, sounds wonderful!

  2. Shooters Sports Center. I purchased my "merchandise" there before the gun control nanny's go apeshit with new regulations.

  3. Cosmic Corner on Hamilton and Main. Great place for your, uh, tobacco needs.

  4. I also really like a couple places on Main Street, Common Scents is a really cool place with the coolest stuff. 85% chick store but I have seen guys in there too!!

    Funky Hannah's is for any beading/jewelery making nut like me :)So much to see, so many projects come to mind!

  5. My favorite reataraunt (I know it is not new at all) is Salute on Main St. Especially this time of year for "comfort food".

    Darn it ... now I'm hungry and want pasta.
