Thursday, February 12, 2009


Please toss me an E. I defragged my hard drive and lost everything in Outlook. I'm pretty bummed as I had a lot of data in Emails.


  1. The same thing happened to me. My son found some sort of virus in my computer and tried to delete it. He deleted EVERYTHING. He felt soooo bad. I had to 'phone' everyone to email me so I could get their addresses, make new spread sheets for my use and a club I belong to, find everything I ever had on my favorites. But to tell the truth it wasn't that hard. Good luck!

  2. Oooh. I had a hard drive freeze up. Everyday I mourned a little more as I thought of yet another thing I lost. So, do I back up now? Heck no...

  3. KKD please E Abby. I really need to get some info from her fopr the 13th. ALL is lost at the moment and I think I'm kinda smart with these confusers too.

  4. Outlook or Outlook Express? I found this link useful after my computer crashed:

  5. I'm starting to think a virus my NOD32 isn't catching. Each time I reboot, more crap is wrong. Getting afraid to shut down. I now disconnect my modem power so the machine can't talk to the net in case it's become a zombie computer ona zombie net. There is a new very bad, very hard to get ridof worm out now. You actually nee a second clean computer running all updates and anactive AV to go in and fix the infected com puter. Looks like the laptop gets pulled out for this. Just a mess

  6. Can you try to start in safe mode to prevent the virus/worm from loading, then do an online panda scan, trend micro scan, or
    Kaspersky scan to "clean house?"

  7. Kaspersky's site was just hacked a few days ago. Frickin' computer geeks. :P lol
