Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Awesome Pictures from Switzerland

There is a few of them, but they are beautiful to see...


  1. That is so beautiful. The mountains, the architecture, the green villages. Geez. Who cuts all the grass?

  2. High on the hill sits a lonely goat herder...

    Just had to get that stuck in everyone's head for the rest of the day!

    I have been to Austria but not Switzerland. I was there with a bunch of astronomers for a solar eclipse in '99. We got a tour of Salzburg of course. The tour guide was totally confused when people went "meh" to Mozart's birthplace but everyone was geeking out and wanting pictures in front of Christian Doppler's birthplace.

  3. Orbs,

    The goats eat the grass; no cutting. The next question is: Who cleans up the goat poop?

  4. The goats eat the grass; no cutting. The next question is: Who cleans up the goat poop?

    Obviously not the blond women. :D

  5. Very nice pictures SER. Beautiful scenry.

  6. Where have been the dam picture taken? Cant find it
