Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Becker Going to Diz Nee Land

"Gary Becker's defense attorney, Pat Cafferty, carried the day Tuesday morning, as Racine's former mayor was given permission to leave the state to attend a six-week residential treatment program for sexual compulsivity."


Celebrity rehab for the perv. Thus, the public reconstruction of Gary Becker begins. If he takes the fast track, he could be re-elected in May.


  1. Someone called that the rehab card would be played way back when his arrest was first reported.

    I saw the headline this morning. It took awhile for my stomach to allow me to read the article. The treatment facility deals in sexual addiction. It didn't mention pedophilia rehab. I don't know that that preference can be "cured."

  2. If you give the treatment industry enough money, they'll "cure" anything - especially a taxpayer's fat wallet.

    Btw, the vid is Aqualung by Tull.

    Sitting on a park bench
    eyeing little girls with bad intent.
    Snot running down his nose
    greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes.
    Drying in the cold sun
    Watching as the frilly panties run.
    Feeling like a dead duck
    spitting out pieces of his broken luck.

  3. Hey, Becker, they'll tell you in "treatment" during your Fourth and Fifth Steps that you don't have to go public with your crimes against children (and they won't report them, either - see, lying helps you get "honest"), or tell the DA - it's enough to know that you've destroyed their lives forever, you piece of shit.

  4. He's just following the program for a disgraced politician:
    1)Do the crime
    2)Make a tearful confession
    3)Disapear for a respectable period of time (either in jail or in rehab)
    4)Show up in public to confess the error of their ways and make sure you state how you understand the hurt you have caused.
    5)Volunteer in a community group or other social endevor to show you are a changed person
    6)Make a public announcement that you are running for office a changed man who will bring about needed reforms. A new found sense of public humility will help in the press conference.
    7)Get elected, proclaim a mandate to change
    9)Repeat as necessary.

    Did I forget a step?

  5. Saw Tull in concert in Milwaukee many moons ago. Excellent show. He walked out, one spotlight shining on him. He had his head in is jacket with the flute sticking out of the top, reflecting the light into the audience. Quite an entrance.

    Never really paid attention to the lyrics of that song.... OMG!

    Bailers, that works for celebs too?

  6. BTW, thanks for the description of the vid, orbs. I "feels" so left out sometimes...

  7. It was no surprise to me that the court was going to grant this weasel-peter permission to leave the county, much less the state.

    I believe it is total wrong for Judge Stephen Simanek, NOT to accept District Attorney Michael Nieskes request to increase Becker’s bail.

    Who is going to pay the freight for this distorted individual to get counseling?

    Stephanie Brien of the Racine Journal Times reported back in January, according to Human Resources Coordinator Julie Anastasio, Becker would have the option of continuing his health insurance at an increase cost.

    Am I to assume, we the taxpayers, are not in anyway paying for his “heath care treatment”?

    Copied from Stephanie Brien of the Racine Journal Times

    “The city will be ending contributions to Becker’s retirement and life insurance, Anastasio said. Becker may have the option of receiving health coverage for an additional 18 months, but it will be at a much higher rate than he was paying, Anastasio said. He was paying $59.40 per month for medical coverage for him, his wife and two daughters, Anastasio said. That would increase to $1,211.54 per month if he chooses to continue with coverage, she said. However there is a clause preventing former employees from receiving medical benefits if they were terminated for “gross misconduct,” Anastasio said. She said it would be up to the city attorney to determine if that applied to Becker.”

  8. I amend my prophesy from no jail time and only probation to, an apology for having ruined the Mayors life with something that a few weeks at a posh resort would have fixed.

    The reason he has never looked perplexed is because he knew he'd never serve a day. Still being tried i9n Racine by the Racine DA. I just want to know, who is paying for this little junket?

  9. KK-
    If you are a celebrity, you first have to go onto a VH-1 reality show before you can be accepted back into society. I think it would be step 5.5

  10. I suppose he'll get his "sentence" when he comes back.

    Good analogy there,Orbs! Taking a Jethro Tull song and comparing it to Becker. Excellent song from a great band.

  11. I'll only be satisfied when rehab=castration: Quick, easy, cost effective.

    I spent the better part of my daughter's early adolescece worrying about men like these... poor guy, "victim" of his own penis. Best we remove it;-)
