Sunday, February 22, 2009

Greetings from Spacefest...

I just got back...the hotel internet died Friday night and never worked again. I bring you greetings from a national hero.


  1. Hale! You came through for us! Our 15 seconds of fame! I'm smiling so big my eyes watered. Hope you had a great time. How cool!

  2. One of the original Mercury seven!

  3. I had a great time and he was recording little greetings for others at the table so I got one also. He was very friendly sharing stories of his days at the NASA (as were all the astronauts). Glad you enjoyed it.

    I was too young to remember that botched television coverage of Apollo 12. Alan Bean accidentally pointed the camera at the Sun and fried the detector. At first he though the color filter wheel was stuck (it was a different type of camera that used a spinning filter wheel to produce color images) so what do you do? Whack it with a hammer of course. He had people rolling when he was talking about that!
