Sunday, February 1, 2009

If you can believe it........

Brand new car....... hit/bumped probably in a parking lot. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
wtF?? Husband washed the car this morning and noticed a 'ding' by the back wheel well. I noticed the smear on the tire. I'm sick over this. I just want to wrap the entire car in bubble wrap!


  1. So sorry. I've never owned a new one, but when I first got my current truck, it was in very good shape. I had to park it on the street for awhile. In no time, portions of the front bumper (plastic) were broken, the rear one (steel) chipped, and I, too, received a ding (and a long scratch) at the top of a wheel well. Another time, some molding was hit and cracked. Nobody ever left a note.

    It's unfortunate that some people are so irresponsible.

    Here's a tip: never park in the lot at Piggly Wiggly on Erie and 3 Mile. Everyone is either blind and senile, or drunk.

  2. Yeah, I know the feeling. My car is now almost six years old....but the first shopping cart ding really set me off.

    And just to make my weekend a total success, I'm on the phone on Saturday with a friend and glance at my SS side-by-side mother in law has left a nice scratch from her walker right across the front. EEEEEK. I tried buffing it with some stuff I had for SS, but there it is as bright as day for me to see.

  3. oh man, my MIL has the worst luck with anything to do with cars... besides the nornal dings from people opening car doors or other cars getting too close (all things that happen quite often to her), she has had someone run over the top of her car and buckle in the roof of her car while she sat at IHOP eating breakfast.. then a deer ran over the hood of her car while stopped at a light.. people just recently have stolen her reflectors and license plate. I swear it's the universe telling not to own a car..

  4. When my second child was born I upgraded my small car for a mini van to accommodate both car seats. I loved that van. After the van was about a year or 2 old my daughter scratched her name in the driver side door and the sliding door..........I asked her what the heck she was thinking and she told me the neighbor boys did it! Yeah they wrote her name on my van! The scratches where down to the medal and could not be buffed out, insurance won’t cover this so I drove that van for 6 years with her name all over it............I was sick every time I saw it. Then you all know she shoveled the hood of the new one this winter! This is not a stranger messing my cars you it’s my own kid! I guess I should just be thankful she hasn’t been under the hood !!!!!!! (yet!!!!)

  5. I have an older car but in great condition..Corolla..but some handicap person dinged my side door and I was MAD. Later in the year as I was shoveling snow (shoveling?) I noticed a big dent in the trunk..someone backed into my car but where and when? Thank goodness for insurance. I had to pay the deductible and had to file a police report. It gets so you look at the license plates of cars around you when you park.

  6. Abby, hide your keys, next she will be taking it out for a spin! The fun is still ahead of you, girlie...

  7. W/N, someone ran over the top of your MIL's car? A person or a vehicle???

  8. Wow.. guess I shouldn't be so concerned over a little dent! But jeeze.. it's only about a month old!

    I'd like to know how someone ran over your MIL's car too, W/N! That had to be freaky to sit and watch!

  9. She didnt see it happen she just came out and noticed the roof of her car collapsed and a bunch of footprints (feetprints??) running all over her car.. pretty messed up..

  10. I shouldn’t tell you this but it’s been long enough.

    I bought a brand new Plymouth Roadrunner. The second month I had it, I stopped at Goldbatts to get a Christmas gift. I no soon shut my car off and a big Buick Wildcat pulled up right next to me.

    Well this rather large woman whipped her door open and hit my passenger door. She emptied her ashtray and looked at me like what’s your problem. I started my car and drove across the lot, got out and seen the chip! I snapped my radish! I drove back next to her car, got out and kicked in every fender and door, it was a 4-door, slammed my fist down on the hood and trunk and dented both of them. Got back in my car and left...never got the gift.

    I’ll bet it came damn close to totally out that car, and it was new!

  11. wow SER, I guess it's important not to mess with your stuff.. that was pretty harsh, but completely understand it when people act so rudely..

  12. Wow! I'm gonna call you the next time someone dings my car. (hoping there won't be a next time, of course)
