Monday, February 9, 2009

View from the catbird seat

I've been working on a project (don't ask) that has me working at night. My office space is strategically located overlooking one of downtown's busy arteries.

For the past week, I've noticed some interesting things, but, generally speaking, I am truly amazed at all of the people that are out and about at all times of the night.

My two favorites were:

1. I hear voices, so I get up and walk over to the window. I see two idiots loudly carrying on a conversation at 4:50AM. They are across the street from one another and could obviously care less that they are probably waking up half the neighborhood.

2. Early in the week, when the weather was still very cold, there was a guy riding a bicycle up the street at 2:50AM. I couldn't help but wonder what possessed him.

Of course, there are the typical hoodlums riding and walking around, but, oddly, I've only spotted a patrol car once.

I just can't wait for the weather to warm up. It'll be just like watching TV.


  1. Ooooh, AA, such a man of mystery you are! Now I'm dying to know to what this project is.

    I'm a late night window watcher too. I love to look out and wonder what other people are doing, where they are going. I like the solitude of the late night, early morning hours.

    I also love to go for rides in the car when I'm not the driver. I must be part mutt.

  2. If you saw a guy running at 2:00am, it could have been me when I lived there. Not often,but occasionally I end up running that late at night.

    My local gym is open 24 hours a day. I went there very late once when I was busy and helped someone adjust the leg machines for him. He said, "Thanks, I have to work this leg because I was shot there".

    I would rather work out in Vegas where I met a topless dancer at the gym practicing her routine (with the top on, though).

  3. I awoke once in the old building to a guy standing outside my window urinating. Not that odd in my neighborhood, but he was also holding hands with a woman who was standing next to him and they were both dressed to the nines. When I opened my window, he said, "Good morning," and continued peeing.

  4. Btw, if you had told me a few decades ago that I would see adults peeing all over my neighborhood in Racine, I would never have believed you. Now, that's the least of the worries in our neighborhood...

  5. My neighorhood is usually quiet at night for most part. During the summer,we get a few yahoos who like to throw parties. Two summers ago,we had had some schlockheads, who thought it would be a smart idea to toss beer bottles from their balcony into the parking lot below-sending shards of glass everywhere.

    I spoke to them a couple of days later while they were moving out.(apparently they were being evicted) They had no idea why they were evicted and thought the management was out to get them. Yep,they walk among us.

  6. Drew, we had some guys like that briefly at my old building, too. Beer bottles out onto the sidewalk on Main St one night. They were gone quickly, too.

    I'm surprised more people haven't reported seeing weird things at night. Maybe we're all old farts who don't go out at night. A guy in my building who has a police scanner says that sometimes that's a hoot.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Careful.. I heard a woman was shot in Milwaukee because she looked out her window and witnessed 'something'

    Gosh. I miss the days of not being paranoid.

  9. I encountered a couple of guys on the south side of Racine in the middle of a drug deal during a run one time. For some reason, they couldn't wait 20 seconds for me to run pass. They decided to exchange the money right in front of me but to be subtle about it. Well, it didn't work. They dropped the money. It was a windy day so I ran through a cloud of $20 bills! I snatched a couple and gave them back to a couple of very embarassed dealers. They waved to me every time I ran past after that.
