Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my luscious lollipops! How are you? Did any of you go to that mayoral debate thing the other night? I couldn’t because I was busy with a sick relative.

And because of that, and some pressing business with some lovely people from the IRS, I’m cutting this week’s blog short, my friends. I’ve been so busy that I’m dizzy.

On the bright side, there were no pressing problems in this week’s emails. I hope to be back at full power next week, ready to guide you and the city of Racine to your destinies.

You can email me at:

I'll talk to you soon, sweethearts.


  1. Holy Crap! If those IRS guys only knew who they were talking too!

  2. I think it is in Mme. Z's favor that they don't know? Revenge is best served cold and maybe with the IRS, anonymously.... ;>
