Monday, March 2, 2009

German twenty-somethings prefer Internet to partner

"HANOVER (Reuters) - German twenty-somethings would ditch their spouses and do without a car in a heartbeat if they had to choose between having them or Internet access or a mobile [cell] phone, according to an industry study.

"In a survey by German broadband association Bitkom around 84 percent of respondents aged 19-29 said they would rather do without their current partner or an automobile than forego their connection to the Web.

"Living without a mobile phone was also unthinkable for 97 percent of those questioned in that age range."

If I had to choose between TV and the internet, the net would win. I don't think I'd give up my wheels for the net, but we don't have much of a mass transportation system here. I don't care about a cell phone - don't have one. I don't have a current "partner," but I'd hate to think that I'd throw her over for the web. However, I already "do without" in some areas so that I can do the internet at high speed. And I'd probably cut back even more in other areas before I'd cut back on the net.

How about you?


  1. Net-a-holic here, I need help. Is there a bail out check or vacation treatment center waiting for me since this is an addiction?

  2. Good idea, kk. I never thought about inpatient treatment for this addiction. I think that place in Pennsylvania will "treat" any addiction, provided you have the $. I'd love to be in group therapy the day that Becker is put on the hot seat.

  3. Hell, I'd pay to be there if I could.

