Tuesday, March 24, 2009

He Who Smelt It Can't Ride the Bus...

From the "I Can't Believe Logjam Missed a Crazy Florida Story" Department...

An eighth grader in Polk County, Johathan Locke, has been banned from riding the bus for three days for passing gas. He claims innocence, insisting it was the kid in front of him.


  1. WHOA! How did I miss this one? Were did you find this HB?

  2. I read that on MSNBC (?) I think.

    Poor kid......

  3. Oh c'mon, don't feel too badly for the boy, this is an art. I deal with high school kids. We recently had an emergency drill. The boys thought it would be funny to fart the room into a stinking smell-a-thon. This is male humor. I don't think they ever outgrow it.

  4. Just think of the stories he'll be able to tell his kids. LOL

  5. Lol,kk! I just could imagine the expressions on the faces. Try a carful of pre-teen boys. Had drive with windows rolled down-in the middle of winter!

  6. I was so hoping you guys would miss this one...oh dear.

  7. I don't know what the big stink is about. The jokers complaining about this kid have never been on a JTI bus trip!

  8. On the JTI bus, you don't need an IR camera to see it!

  9. HAHAHAHA......oh this one kills me!!!!!!!...Boys stink because they don't care what they eat.they're hungry all the time......this is what happens when you mix boiled eggs and MT. Dew in a teenager.........I gotta say it's not always boys.I've got a 12 year old girl that had me airing out the house the other day!
