Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Converter boxes.........

I don't do cable ( we all know why,moneys tight) I got the converter box and I was so happy ..AT FIRST, when the picture does come in it's VERY clear.

Well the down falls are as follows:
  1. When neighbor is on cell TV losses signal. (he's always on the dam thing)
  2. Some channels work upstairs, some down stairs.
  3. Plane flys over it goes out.(I'm near the airport)
  4. Daughter turns on radio in room above TV signal goes out.
  5. Dish washer is on signal goes in and out.
  6. Many, many more.

I was just wondering if anyone else has the converter and is considering breaking down and getting cable?

To watch Dancing with the stars last night I had to have both kids positioned just right on the couches (holding tin foil....J/K) and all of the appliances turned one was allowed to move until the commercials!'ll be the same Thursday when Bones and Hell's kitchen are on!


  1. Abby, I keep the real basic on in my house in Sturtevant. Costs about $20/mo. You don't get a zillion channels, but it gets me what I want to watch while I'm there....

  2. I have cable... but, I fell asleep before the results. Who was voted off? How about the Biggest Loser?

  3. Aren't you supposed to get a digital antenna to go with the new digital signal?

    I know nothing about this, so don't quote me. I have cable because Road Runner is on cable and it is the fastest internet service. If something faster comes along, and I can afford it, I will switch in a heartbeat because Time Warner Cable rewards decades of customer loyalty by giving a break to new subscribers only. The longer that you subscribe and the more money that you give them, the more that they disdain you.

  4. I have the antenna too. Not a fan of Time warrner either. they cut me before for being late on a $30.00 bill. I begged them for some time and they just said "you're already schedualed for disconection so oh well" then 2 days later when i had the money they hit me up for reconnection fees! I dropped them and never looked back. I was thinking of going with ATT.since I have the phone and internet through them anyways..........

    KK Julianne Huff? And her boyfriend got the boot...It saved Melissa(my fav)

  5. This cable thing is sometimes overrated. We are paying to watch movies on HBO that are 20+ years old. Stupid.
    We also have Direct TV but use it mainly to watch the Packers play. With HD now, you get two of most channels. In fact if we are watching regular PBS (I love the British shows), we can do channel 14 or channel 111 or for HD 713. Seems crazy.

  6. Tell me about AT&T, Abby???? I thought I had to take Time Warner up there????

    Also, if you get desperate, break into my house and watch your couple of shows on my TV...that lovely piece of art in the familyroom! Yep....I keep hoping someone will steal it....I want a flat screen up there on the wall!

  7. I splurge for RR cable stand alone. I don't need cable TV. My problems arise from the Closed Captioning on channel six. Annalog (old channel) does great and you can tell when the antenna is positioned right. Digital has garbled CC no matter that the picture is pure.

    I have a good roof antenna with rotor. You can't tell where the strongest signal is, just when it drops out. Even when tweaked to give the sharpest analog signal, Prime Time channel six still garbles the digital CC.

    Ahh, Hell's Kitchen. If Ben had said, "I screwed up." he'd still be in the running. Not winner material, but in the running.

  8. Huck, Danny's my choice for winner on Hells Kitchen!...
    Beejay you can totally get ATT here and you don't need a dish any more for it. I think if you sign up for more services you get a kick back too. I only had phone service then added internet and they sent me a $50.00 check.

  9. I have Time Warner and I like it. The service is great. I called and asked why in this day and age are they raising my rates because I now have a choice. They lowered my rate asking me to sign up for two years. That was ok with me because I was not going to change anyways. I just went through 2 major accidents with both the TV and the computer (both were my fault) and they really went out of their way to fix it. I'll swear by them every time. I used to have AT&T telephone and they were taxing the hell out of me. That's why I changed. Now I can call anywhere and NO CHARGE. I have Basic plus for the TV (no HBO SHO etc.) and I am happy. Very happy.

  10. Huck and Abby, Danny HAS to win it!

    We have never had cable, still don't. We do have a good (non-digital)antenna, and we're fine.
    I did use the converter box in the kitchen for a few months before getting a better TV and never had a problem, it worked great for us.

  11. Abby - you might want to wait until after June (whatever the heck the date is) when the digital conversion is complete. Many stations that aren't digital now, will be then, and many will be boosting their signals.

    Hubby and I dumped cable and refuse to go back until they give us a choice of channels - he refuses to pay for MTV,etc. We have simple rabbit ears and have found during wind, the signals are weak, but we have the tvs positioned near windows, so usually the signals are pretty strong and the reception is usually better than what we had with cable.

    We may invest in a smart antenna after June if necessary, but the problem could also be your converter boxes - they're not all created equal. We have two different brands and there's a world of difference in pulling in channels/reception.

  12. U-Verse (the AT&T sevice) is really really good and lots cheaper than Time Warner.

  13. Okay, if I switch my cable to AT&T and reduce my Sturtevant phone, will it still be cheaper than $100 per month for both?

    I really need go reduce my phone service in often as I am there, I think I could use my cell for the most part....right now I have two lines (duh...from the good old days) and then the really basic cable. The cable costs $20/mo and the phone costs about $100...crazy....

  14. Beejay totally dump the land line, and send me the money you save!!!

  15. Guess I have been properly chastised....sob, sob....

    But what if my cell phone runs out of juice on me, then what...and what if all the cell towers fall down, then what? And what if......
