Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my darling daffodils! How are you? Have you noticed how windy it has been lately? At first I attributed it to early spring weather, but then I remembered that we had a mayoral primary in Racine. No wonder there has been a lot of hot air in the atmosphere lately.

I received an email this week from Mr. Avenging Angel, who writes:

There is a scene in the movie "The Outlaw Josey Wales" where Chief Dan George delivers a speech concerning he and his fellow Indian's trip to Washington D.C.

He says: The President came out to meet us and said "Endeavor to Persevere". The next day, the newspapers wrote "Indians promise to endeavor to persevere". We went home and thought about that for a long time.

Endeavor to Persevere, Endeavor to Persevere. Then we made war on the white man.

I always laughed after that speech, until now. Aren't we now being told: "Endeavor to Persevere"?

Dear Mr. Avenging Angel, we are being told all sorts of things, and Endeavor to Persevere is probably one of the less insulting ones. In general, I believe that the people of the United States are being told to “Kiss Off” by their representatives. And that’s putting it in language suitable for print.

Endeavor to Persevere has the ring of authentic BS. Unfortunately, I predict that only more of it will follow. While we’re endeavoring to persevere, I’m sure that the politicians will be persevering in their endeavors to wring every last penny from every last taxpayer on the planet. Persevere on!

As many of you know, I was involved in the mayoral race for awhile. I harbor no ill will towards any of the other candidates over my experiences and I would like to take this opportunity to wish them the best. Good luck especially to John Dickert and Robert Turner. You’re going to need it, Mr. Mayor. And good luck to the city of Racine, because you will need it even more. For the party people in Racine, though, I see nothing but fun, fun, fun ahead, as long as the stimulus money holds out. After that, it’s every man, woman and child for himself. I don’t want to be around to pay the piper when we wake up from this binge, so I’m thinking of taking a page from our former mayor’s playbook and just staying drunk all of the time. It worked perfectly well for him until that last, little, uh, indiscretion . . .

Hic, you can contact me with your problems, solutions, rants, and raves anytime at:

Have a wonderful week, my dears. Don’t take any wooden stimulus nickels.


  1. Mme. Z. you MUST abstain.... remember what happens when you mix your gifts with firewater!

    Ann Lander's had a great saying, "you can only be a doormat if you allow it." Somehow, we keep allowing this bad behavior. I really liked the video that SER posted about sending a tea bag to the politicians... it says a lot without saying anything.

  2. Interesting things happen when I combine my gifts with firewater.
