Saturday, April 18, 2009


I waited all winter for this.......The rummage sale season is upon us again.....Every Sat. I give the kids each $5.00 and we drive around and hit all the rummage sales we's an all day thing that gets me and the kids out of the house and they have so much fun.......they really are wheeler and dealers too, sometimes they come home with tons of junk and their $5...........................anyone else love to rumage as much as me?.............any good ones to know about?


  1. When my kids were young we did the exact same thing. We found tons of cool stuff. It saved me a lot of money and was great fun. It is amazing how yucky some could be and then how wonderful others were. We would get home and clean everything up and laugh about the true junk we saw.

    I have some real finds, including antiques and schmancy glassware that I found on our treks. It also provides some good exercise as you walk through subdivisions.

    I stopped doing it though. My house is FULL. Time for me to throw one and get rid of my junk.

  2. I like TREASURES! You can find some neat stuff if you send the time.

  3. Fox 6 has a rummage sale tracker. Not too many posted in Racine county yet.

  4. I knew about fox 6 but like you said NOT TOO MANY FOR RACINE but I still check them out before we go.........I like just driving around and finding them!...That way we get to see what Racine is up to!................we don't do the getto just the fancy pants neighborhoods....we still wash everything after it gets home....................

    KK maybe a JTI rummage sale is in order?.Kids out grow stuff so fast!...........................

    We're going to the outdoor tonight.monsters.vs.aleins.......and the fast and furiuos....

  5. love rummage sales but haven't found my 1st one of the season yet :(

  6. I love rummage sales! That's were I get some of my music from.

  7. I love rummage sales, too, but, like kk, I have no room. I have to stay away from them or otherwise I buy more stuff I can't fit into my apartment.

  8. I will be going to a rummage sale on Saturday. Unfortunately I dont know exactly where it is, I'm just going along with a friend but it's at a church and they are supposed to have tons of stuff there especially for little kids or maybe it's only stuff for little kids.. either way I'll be there on Saturday where ever there may be.
