Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Thing (in X-Rays)

The Chandra X-ray telescope has released a new image of a pulsar called B1509. I am affectionately calling it Thing, after the Adams Family.

Image Credit  NASA/CXC/SAO/P.Slane
Image Credit NASA/CXC/SAO/P.Slane

A pulsar forms when a massive star ends its life as a supernova. The core collapses, crushes the atoms themselves until nothing but neutrons remain. The core ends up rotating very rapidly (in this case 7 times a second). Pulsars have very strong magnetic fields. The rapid rotation and strong magnetic field create copious amounts of X-rays in the nebula leading to this spectacular image.

Of course we couldn't see this with out eyes that only detect visible light. To creat this image, astronomers assign each different energy of X-rays to a color. The low energy x-rays are red, middle energy green, and high energy x-rays are blue.

Chandra is one of NASA's Great Observatories (along with Hubble, Spitzer and the defunct Comptong Gamma Ray Observatory) but does not get the coverage of the more famous Hubble. It's a shame since it has been dong great since and will celebrate the 10th anniversary of its launch this summer. I hope to see thse images for many more years to come from this amazing telescope.

Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.


  1. Hale, I have to ask...what kind of art do you have on your walls? With all these beautiful pictures you post, some taken with the Hubble, some with your camera, I think you should have a great display.

    I didn't know, however that you had a 'thing' for Thing of the Addams family! Ah, one of my old favorites.

  2. I have some posters from various observatories. I pick them up at American Astronomical Society meetings mostly. I have a little space art as well. My most recent piece is by Kim Poor. If you are looking for some nice space art, he is good an affordable.

  3. Hale, the space artwork by Kim Poor is AWESOME!

  4. Hale, yesterday I was at the library with some time on my hands. I went over to the Astronomy area and looked through several books. Some of the art from outerspace is phenomenal. I may have to redo one of my guestrooms to incorporate some of these images.
