Monday, April 20, 2009

To the point of ugly

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess. I think "cute" is the most beautiful. I think societies "beautiful" is over done to the point they become ugly. The new Miss America is the perfect example of overdone yuch. If we passed walking down the street, she wouldn't get a second glance. There is just a class of woman that when you see them you get one immediate impression. Bitch. She might not be, but she'd be the exception to the rule.


  1. I am always surprised at the final choice. She is not unattractive, but I thought there were other contestants that were much prettier. The whole beauty contest thing is a strange critter...

  2. this woman don't look all that great either, but listen to her sing...

  3. That's What She SaidApril 20, 2009 at 6:29 PM

    Wow. That's so incredibly sexist. You think she's a bitch because of the way she looks? Do you think it would be okay for someone to judge you as retarded or some such other negative thing just because of how YOU look?

    I don't follow pageants, and I'm not a fan, so I had to google. I found some pictures of her and she looks pretty cute/pretty to me. What exactly about her do you object to?

  4. I guess the false, fake painted lady raccoon eyes, bleached blond, bleached teeth, trimmed eyebrows, and the general wide mouthed coached smile. Sort of like looking over a horse's teeth for health checks.

    Lordy, people already take one look at me, hear my voice, see I'm deaf and assume I'm a tard. Deaf equals dumb ya know. Why can't I do the same when it DOES happen to me all too often? No reason, as I said, "She might not be." Until proved otherwise, I'll assume she is. Of course if she was a Brunette, I'd give her the benefit of the doubt. :-)

  5. Huck, I feel they put way too much emphasis on the packaging and not the person with all of these contests.

    But in all fairness to these young women, it takes a lot to enter and compete. Some do it for the glory and some for the scholarships.

    I have to agree with contests are strange events. I would like to think they have come a long way from the 50's, but I truly wonder sometimes.

    Lastly, Huck, you are right, if we are judging beauty, we are all screwed up because most of these women would look nothing like they do without all the assists from lumineers, nose jobs, ear pinning, etc...and let's not even consider the hair, nails or eyelashes (which we can now have glued on if ours are a touch thin...good grief!) And I refuse to even discuss other body parts.

    Thank goodness I am a plain jane! I can skip the glued on lashes!

  6. Ok since I'm so unbelievably beautiful.Now I'm a bitch?.......Heehee.......Lucky I'm a brunette!.......

    I have to admit my daughter and I watch americas next top model and we have formed opinions about all of them right away by how they look and we're usually right. Most people that THINK they're pretty are bitches, the ones that really are cute and don't know it end up being the most beautiful in the end because beauty comes from the inside out!..............

    By the way I think Huck is handsome....and fun...and one of the smartest guys I know!

  7. Huck you are right. I think it is human nature to make judgements on first glance. It is programmed into our brains for survival of the fittest and for the necessitation of reproduction. Really, what really counts is how you live your life, what comes out of your mouth, how you treat others.

    If someone takes the time to actually listen to you, your true personality shows through. If they don't bother to do that, they aren't worth a second thought themselves.

    Gee, I hope the blond hair doesn't make me a b-i-zitch. The stereotypes work negatively both ways, you know.
