Saturday, May 2, 2009

An Assortment of Pictures

This post has an assortment of pictures ranging from animals to scenic views, please enjoy.........

This one is my favorite, a dandelion in seed with morning dew on it.

This one is interesting, they are clouds over a volcano...


  1. Can I pick two favorites? The two reflection pictures are my favs. Russian ice and the misty lake are spectacular.

  2. I love them all, especially the kung fu crab :)

  3. I like the animal pictures best. Thank you. Also this site won't take my password. So I guess I'm out.

  4. I like the animal pictures best. Thank you. 2nd try...this site won't take my password so I am out again.

  5. Anon, tell us what is happening. Maybe we can talk you through it.

    Your user name is your full email address with the @ sign, and then try your password?

  6. Ha Ha you little rascals! You were trying to spoof me. But I am the man baby (PS thanks kkdither)

  7. Welcome Sassa! if you email me, I can get you on our events info list :)

    next outing is Saturday, June 27th, info to follow :)

  8. Welcome, Sassa.

    I like horizon shots, sunrises, sunsets. My little travel in the American west always reminded me of how small we are compared to the land. (Then you look at the stars at night like Hale and realize we are damn near infinitesimal.)

  9. Alright, look, camping at the Grand Canyon, I drank alot of beer the night before, I got up in the morning and had to go real bad. I didn't think anyone was around with a camera. Sorry.

  10. Sure, sure... You looked pretty proud of yourself when I was snapping the picture.
