Saturday, May 16, 2009

"Jam Wow" featuring Vince Offer (Steve Porter's Sham Wow remix)

OK, tell the truth, who owns a ShamWow, and can you live without it?


  1. Every time I see that commercial, I want one. Somehow, I have resisted temptation thus far.

  2. OMG, I can not tell a lie. I have one. At least I think it is the real deal. Someone who was an easy target bought one for themselves before they became available on tv and gave one to me. I rarely use it. How many spills do you have?

  3. Oh, I don't spill much, it's just that the pitchman makes me want a ShamWow more than life itself.

  4. I thought I read where he was (the shamwow guy) arrested for something. The product can be bought anywheres now. I still use paper towels. But it's hard to teach 'an old dog' new tricks. LOL

  5. Oh ORBS.....I too have wanted one so bad I could taste it! Then I thought to myself............When do I EVER wash my car by hand?.I don't have a dog........I'd probally use it to pick up milk and forget to wash it and it'll be a stink I can't find in the house......I'm with Sassa, I'll stick with the paper towels.......I have seen them at walgreens and walmart if you have to have one.

  6. They damn near got me one night.

    Bit if i spill a beer or a shot of tequila...I lick it up!

  7. LOL!! I hate infomercials!

    Might work for the dog when I need her dried off at the lake so she can go to bed without getting it soaked.

    Saasa, yes, he got busted for DUI or something like that.

  8. Any if youn order right now, we'll send you the "Graty" free, just pay "processing". WTF is "processing" if not the cost of the item?

  9. Sassa

    You are right, he was arrested. Apparently he got himself a hooker and the two of them didn't get along. She bit him, he punched her, it was ugly. Nasty mug shots of the both of them.
    Like everyone else, its easier to use paper towels.
