Wednesday, May 6, 2009

John Dickert Wins Racine Mayoral Election

Thank you, Mr. Dickert, for bumping Mayor Mini Me off of the Journal Times' web page.

If you grow a beard, I will personally set it on fire.


  1. Ah, the games begin...loving it.

  2. ORBS I'll buy you the lighter fluid!

  3. I wish him well... Not an easy task to come into such a messed up position. Then again, maybe it won't be so bad. Whatever he does should be leaps and bounds above his predecessor.

    Did anyone else notice the icy peck he gave to his wife? There was much more feeling when he kissed and hugged the others in the crowd. I suppose he didn't want to pull an "Al Gore" and plant one on her? His poor kids also looked like the boisterous crowd scared the daylights out of them.

  4. He's an idiot. I'm not kidding or trolling. I have dealt with him in the past. You think Bpecker was arrogant?? You "aint" seen NOTHING yet. Mark my words. Judge for yourself in 1 year.
