Thursday, May 21, 2009

Memorial Day - Forget Something?


  1. Thank you for centering us once again. I will be printing up a few of these and putting them on my (now) blank bulletin board so that the kids can be reminded.

    We should NEVER forget the sacrifice, even if we don't agree with the politics.

  2. It's SHAMEFUL how easy we FORGET. Your reminder is a wonderful thought.

  3. Totally excellent. I almost forgot WHY we celebrate this day. Thank you for reminding me. I will make a point to go to the war cemetary this year to say thanks.

  4. Thank you, SER. On Veterans Day, I shake the hand of every veteran that I know and thank them for their service. Maybe I should do the same on Monday.

  5. For some reason I remember Memorial Day as the day we went to the Cemetary. Might have to start that tradition again down here.

    Thanks for putting this one out SER.

  6. Back in the mid fifties, I remember on memorial day, EVERYONE drove with their headlights in remembrance of veterans and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to keep us free!

  7. Thanks, SER. We all need to remember what brave people are putting on the line for us.

  8. What pisses me off are businesses that have "Memorial Day Sales". Talk about making a buck off our military dead!!! I make it a point not to patronize those places.

  9. I never fully understood if Memorial Day was for mourning of those that have fought and lost their lives in battle or if it is a day to remember those that are no longer with us, military or not. I always thought it was much like Day of the Dead in Mexico or like All Saints Day in Sweden, where you are supposed to go visit the cemeteries and remember.

  10. Why Not,
    This may help to answer your question. On May 5th, 1868 a general order was issued by General John Logan that the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers be decorated at Arlington National Cemetery. This was done on May 30th of that year. The day was first known as Decoration Day as such, but later changed to Memorial Day to include the remembrance of those that died in all our nation's wars since.

  11. Just a tad of humor: This 92 year old man (World War II vet) went to the Vet hospital for assistance and they took down all his info (age, title, etc). Then they sent him up to do lab work and the nurse said "I don't know what to do. Right war, wrong side!".

  12. logjam, thank you very much for that information. It was always something that I wondered about. I like learning a bit of history whenever I can.
