Sunday, May 17, 2009

OMG........SER and FUNGI......

So sorry we missed your BIRTHDAYS.....................
It's late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY................
2 of the coolest guys I know!


  1. Oh, happy birthday to both of you...I thought SER's birthday was this coming week.....

  2. I may be wrong about Sers b-day. I thought I saw it on the calander for May I can't find it on the calander at all.......Am I over looking it?.........

  3. Abby, today is the 17th....Tuesday is the big guy's big birthday!

    Anyway, happy one early...or did we do that already??? Aw, heck, let's just do as Orbs always say 'keep partying!'

  4. "Orbs always says!' Good grief, I've been having a time with this 'puter lately. Probably user error, but darn!

  5. Okay, guys in your honor, I am going out for a little libation and perhaps some food...we'll see...

  6. Happy early and belated birthdays.

  7. FUNGI: Happy Birthday. I'm guessing you just had yours since SIR still has one to come. I hope yours is as GREAT as mine was.

  8. Ahhhhh, you guys caught me.

    It's back on the calendar.

    But thanks much!!!!

  9. Are you guys really old or what?

    anonymous twon 8:41 or 8:42

  10. twon 8:41 or 8:42

    Young at heart and mind. That's all that matters.

  11. Happy Birthday...I got you those gag candles that don't go out!

  12. Abby the "stalker" strikes again.
    First she follows me around town now she's keeping tabs on me online. Just what did I do or not do to deserve this kind of treatment?
    Oh by the way my b-day is after SER, and his hasn't happened yet.

  13. Isn't there a joke about a mushroom and a "fungi"? Anyway, Happy Birthday to both!!!

  14. LMAO........I'm am totally loosing it. I don't know what day it is any more...........I knew they where in May with shut up and take your HAPPY B_DAY wishes already............

    FUNGI......I"M WATCHING YOU!........ Didn’t you know I'm the romper room lady with a magic mirror?

  15. Sorry to drop in so late... wait, I'm still early? I'm confused. I was out all weekend celebrating your birthdays, including Toad's. ♥ HAPPY BIRTHDAY to yoooouuuuu! ♥

    p.s. Nobody is old here. We are all immature.
